Commit a538a8dad485115ecd70a2793c3dd4258a52e7b8

  • avatar
  • arvind
  • Mon Dec 16 17:47:46 IST 2013
Bug fix
    - Fixing jQuery selector for selecting a checked radio button, due to old/wrong syntax a narrator was unable to publish narration.
374374 publish:function (){
375375 var result;
376 if ($('#loc-select').val() == '' || $('#lang-select').val() == '' || $('#auth-select').val() == '' || ($('#your-check').attr('checked') == undefined && $('#our-check').attr('checked') == undefined )) {
376 if ($('#loc-select').val() == '' || $('#lang-select').val() == '' || $('input:checked') == undefined) {
377377 alert("please furnish all the details");
378378 } else {
379 if($('#your-check').attr('checked') != undefined)
379 if($('input:checked') == $("#your-check"))
380380 {
381381 localStorage.myContent = util.buildDataString();
382382 window.location.href = "";