--- /dev/null
+++ b/swtr/static/js/img_swtr.js
@@ -1 +1,229 @@
+(function(swtr) {
+ swtr.ImgAnnoView = Backbone.View.extend({
+ el: $("#img-annotation-wrapper"),
+ events: {
+ 'change #custom-dropdown ': 'getFormValue',
+ 'click #setbox': 'showHide'
+ },
+ initialize: function(options) {
+ this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.render);
+ // attach event handlers to the anno object
+ anno.addHandler('onAnnotationCreated', this.showSwtHelp);
+ anno.addHandler('onAnnotationCreated', this.updateNewAnno);
+ anno.addHandler('onAnnotationUpdated', this.showSwtHelp);
+ anno.addHandler('onSelectionStarted', function(annotation) {
+ anno.hideAnnotations();
+ });
+ anno.addHandler('onSelectionCompleted', function(annotation) {
+ anno.showAnnotations();
+ });
+ anno.addPlugin('CustomFields', {});
+ anno.addHandler('onSelectionCompleted', this.hideOriginalEditor);
+ if(options.img) {
+ this.img = options.img;
+ this.$img = options.$img;
+ options.$img.on('load', this, this.imageLoaded);
+ options.$img.on('error', this, this.onImageLoadError);
+ this.setImage(options.url);
+ }
+ },
+ render: function(model) {
+ var swt = model.toJSON();
+ swt.how['editable'] = false;
+ swt.how.text = swtr.imgAnnoView.createPopupText(swt.how);
+ swt.how.text += '\n - by ' + swt.who;
+ anno.addAnnotation(swt.how);
+ },
+ renderWith: function() {
+ _.each(this.collection, this.render);
+ },
+ showSwtHelp: function(annotation) {
+ var self = swtr.imgAnnoView;//TODO: figure out how we can bind the scope when this func is called as a callback
+ swtr.appView.helpview.step(3);
+ $('#sweet').show();
+ },
+ updateNewAnno: function(annotation) {
+ console.log('updateNewAnno()');
+ var self = swtr.imgAnnoView;
+ // get the final value/input from the editor
+ var selected = $('select option:selected').text().toLowerCase();
+ var text_input = $('.annotorious-editor-text').val();
+ if( selected === "tags") {
+ self.new_anno[selected] = $('#tags-input').tags().getTags();
+ }
+ else {
+ // update it in our annotation object
+ self.new_anno[selected] = text_input;
+ }
+ // prepare the text field
+ self.new_anno.text = self.createPopupText(self.new_anno);
+ // update the annotorious annotation object with the new values
+ if(self.new_anno.comment) {
+ annotation.comment = self.new_anno.comment;
+ }
+ if(self.new_anno.link) {
+ annotation.link = self.new_anno.link;
+ }
+ if(self.new_anno.tags) {
+ annotation.tags = self.new_anno.tags;
+ }
+ if(self.new_anno.title) {
+ annotation.title = self.new_anno.title;
+ }
+ annotation.text = self.new_anno.text;
+ console.log(self.new_anno, annotation);
+ },
+ // hide the original editor window, when user has completed selecting part
+ // of the image to annotate..
+ hideOriginalEditor: function(annotation) {
+ console.log('hideOriginalEditor()');
+ var self = swtr.imgAnnoView;
+ self.new_anno = {};
+ self.getSuggestionsForTags();
+ //$('.annotorious-editor-text').hide();
+ //$('.annotorious-editor').css('width', '100%');
+ },
+ getFormValue: function(event) {
+ console.log('getFormValue()');
+ var self = swtr.imgAnnoView;
+ // show the editor field to input text
+ var $anno_form = $('.annotorious-editor-text');
+ //$anno_form.slideDown();
+ // get the previous item entered
+ var $selected = $('select option:selected');
+ var text_input = $anno_form.val();
+ // if there was a input and it was not tags..
+ if(text_input && $selected.prev().text() !== 'Tags') {
+ var field = $selected.prev().text().toLowerCase();
+ // update it in our annotation object
+ self.new_anno[field] = text_input;
+ }
+ // if it was tags..
+ else if ($selected.prev().text() === 'Tags') {
+ // directly save it..
+ self.new_anno['tags'] = $('#tags-input').tags().getTags();
+ }
+ // if the current selected is tags
+ if($selected.text() === 'Tags') {
+ $('#tags-input').tags({
+ tagSize: 'md',
+ promptText: 'Type word (and press enter)..',
+ caseInsensitive: true,
+ suggestions: self.tags_suggestions
+ });
+ $('#tags-input').show();
+ $('.annotorious-editor-text').hide();
+ }
+ else {
+ $('#tags-input').hide();
+ $('.annotorious-editor-text').show();
+ }
+ $anno_form.val('');
+ $anno_form.attr('placeholder', 'Add ' + $selected.text());
+ console.log(self.new_anno);
+ },
+ createPopupText: function(annotation) {
+ // title
+ var text = (annotation.title) ? '
' + annotation.title + '
' : '';
+ // comment
+ text += (annotation.comment) ? '' + annotation.comment + '
' : '';
+ // link
+ text += (annotation.link) ? '' + annotation.link +
+ '' : '';
+ // tags
+ text += (annotation.tags) ? '' + annotation.tags + '
' : '';
+ // if older annotation i.e w/o comment,title etc fields
+ // add text field as text
+ if(!text) {
+ text = annotation.text;
+ }
+ return text;
+ },
+ // load the suggestions for the tag spraying..
+ getSuggestionsForTags: function() {
+ var self = swtr.imgAnnoView;
+ $.ajax({
+ url: '/static/data/tags_suggestions.json',
+ success: function(data) {
+ self.tags_suggestions = data;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ setImage: function(url) {
+ this.imgURL = url;
+ console.log(url);
+ if(this.$img.attr('src') === this.imgURL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ anno.reset();
+ var self = this;
+ swtr.appView.$overlay.show();
+ swtr.appView.helpview.step(7);
+ this.$img.attr('src', this.imgURL);
+ },
+ imageLoaded: function(event) {
+ var self = event.data;
+ console.log('image loaded', self);
+ swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
+ // reset the collection
+ swtr.sweets.reset();
+ anno.makeAnnotatable(swtr.imgAnnoView.img);
+ swtr.imgAnnoView.getExistingAnnotations();
+ },
+ // when image fails to load - could be because of broken URL or network
+ // issues
+ onImageLoadError: function(event) {
+ var self = event.data;
+ console.log('error while loading image');
+ swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
+ swtr.appView.helpview.step(8);
+ },
+ initImageAnno: function() {
+ // img is a jquery object which annotorious doesn't accept; instead it
+ // takes the native object returned by a browser API; fortunately, jqeury
+ // stores a copy of the native object too!
+ this.getExistingAnnotations();
+ },
+ getExistingAnnotations: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ swtr.appView.helpview.step(0);
+ swtr.appView.$overlay.show();
+ swtr.sweets.getAll({
+ where: this.imgURL,
+ success: function(data) {
+ if(_.isArray(data)) {
+ swtr.sweets.add(data);
+ swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
+ swtr.appView.helpview.step(2);
+ }
+ },
+ error: function(jqxhr, error, statusText) {
+ if(jqxhr.status === 404) { //annotations don't exist for this image
+ console.log('annotations don\'t exist for this image. Create one!');
+ }
+ swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
+ swtr.appView.helpview.step(2);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ showHide: function() {
+ if($("#setbox:checked").length) {
+ $('.annotorious-item-unfocus').css("opacity", "0.5");
+ }
+ else {
+ $('.annotorious-item-unfocus').css("opacity", "0");
+ }
+ }
+ });
--- a/swtr/static/js/imganno.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +1 @@
-(function(swtr) {
- swtr.ImgAnnoView = Backbone.View.extend({
- el: $("#img-annotation-wrapper"),
- events: {
- 'change #custom-dropdown ': 'getFormValue',
- 'click #setbox': 'showHide'
- },
- initialize: function(options) {
- this.listenTo(this.collection, 'add', this.render);
- // attach event handlers to the anno object
- anno.addHandler('onAnnotationCreated', this.showSwtHelp);
- anno.addHandler('onAnnotationCreated', this.updateNewAnno);
- anno.addHandler('onAnnotationUpdated', this.showSwtHelp);
- anno.addHandler('onSelectionStarted', function(annotation) {
- anno.hideAnnotations();
- });
- anno.addHandler('onSelectionCompleted', function(annotation) {
- anno.showAnnotations();
- });
- anno.addPlugin('CustomFields', {});
- anno.addHandler('onSelectionCompleted', this.hideOriginalEditor);
- if(options.img) {
- this.img = options.img;
- this.$img = options.$img;
- options.$img.on('load', this, this.imageLoaded);
- options.$img.on('error', this, this.onImageLoadError);
- this.setImage(options.url);
- }
- },
- render: function(model) {
- var swt = model.toJSON();
- swt.how['editable'] = false;
- swt.how.text = swtr.imgAnnoView.createPopupText(swt.how);
- swt.how.text += '\n - by ' + swt.who;
- anno.addAnnotation(swt.how);
- },
- renderWith: function() {
- _.each(this.collection, this.render);
- },
- showSwtHelp: function(annotation) {
- var self = swtr.imgAnnoView;//TODO: figure out how we can bind the scope when this func is called as a callback
- swtr.appView.helpview.step(3);
- $('#sweet').show();
- },
- updateNewAnno: function(annotation) {
- console.log('updateNewAnno()');
- var self = swtr.imgAnnoView;
- // get the final value/input from the editor
- var selected = $('select option:selected').text().toLowerCase();
- var text_input = $('.annotorious-editor-text').val();
- if( selected === "tags") {
- self.new_anno[selected] = $('#tags-input').tags().getTags();
- }
- else {
- // update it in our annotation object
- self.new_anno[selected] = text_input;
- }
- // prepare the text field
- self.new_anno.text = self.createPopupText(self.new_anno);
- // update the annotorious annotation object with the new values
- if(self.new_anno.comment) {
- annotation.comment = self.new_anno.comment;
- }
- if(self.new_anno.link) {
- annotation.link = self.new_anno.link;
- }
- if(self.new_anno.tags) {
- annotation.tags = self.new_anno.tags;
- }
- if(self.new_anno.title) {
- annotation.title = self.new_anno.title;
- }
- annotation.text = self.new_anno.text;
- console.log(self.new_anno, annotation);
- },
- // hide the original editor window, when user has completed selecting part
- // of the image to annotate..
- hideOriginalEditor: function(annotation) {
- console.log('hideOriginalEditor()');
- var self = swtr.imgAnnoView;
- self.new_anno = {};
- self.getSuggestionsForTags();
- //$('.annotorious-editor-text').hide();
- //$('.annotorious-editor').css('width', '100%');
- },
- getFormValue: function(event) {
- console.log('getFormValue()');
- var self = swtr.imgAnnoView;
- // show the editor field to input text
- var $anno_form = $('.annotorious-editor-text');
- //$anno_form.slideDown();
- // get the previous item entered
- var $selected = $('select option:selected');
- var text_input = $anno_form.val();
- // if there was a input and it was not tags..
- if(text_input && $selected.prev().text() !== 'Tags') {
- var field = $selected.prev().text().toLowerCase();
- // update it in our annotation object
- self.new_anno[field] = text_input;
- }
- // if it was tags..
- else if ($selected.prev().text() === 'Tags') {
- // directly save it..
- self.new_anno['tags'] = $('#tags-input').tags().getTags();
- }
- // if the current selected is tags
- if($selected.text() === 'Tags') {
- $('#tags-input').tags({
- tagSize: 'md',
- promptText: 'Type word (and press enter)..',
- caseInsensitive: true,
- suggestions: self.tags_suggestions
- });
- $('#tags-input').show();
- $('.annotorious-editor-text').hide();
- }
- else {
- $('#tags-input').hide();
- $('.annotorious-editor-text').show();
- }
- $anno_form.val('');
- $anno_form.attr('placeholder', 'Add ' + $selected.text());
- console.log(self.new_anno);
- },
- createPopupText: function(annotation) {
- // title
- var text = (annotation.title) ? '' + annotation.title + '
' : '';
- // comment
- text += (annotation.comment) ? '' + annotation.comment + '
' : '';
- // link
- text += (annotation.link) ? '' + annotation.link +
- '' : '';
- // tags
- text += (annotation.tags) ? '' + annotation.tags + '
' : '';
- // if older annotation i.e w/o comment,title etc fields
- // add text field as text
- if(!text) {
- text = annotation.text;
- }
- return text;
- },
- // load the suggestions for the tag spraying..
- getSuggestionsForTags: function() {
- var self = swtr.imgAnnoView;
- $.ajax({
- url: '/static/data/tags_suggestions.json',
- success: function(data) {
- self.tags_suggestions = data;
- }
- });
- },
- setImage: function(url) {
- this.imgURL = url;
- console.log(url);
- if(this.$img.attr('src') === this.imgURL) {
- return;
- }
- anno.reset();
- var self = this;
- swtr.appView.$overlay.show();
- swtr.appView.helpview.step(7);
- this.$img.attr('src', this.imgURL);
- },
- imageLoaded: function(event) {
- var self = event.data;
- console.log('image loaded', self);
- swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
- // reset the collection
- swtr.sweets.reset();
- anno.makeAnnotatable(swtr.imgAnnoView.img);
- swtr.imgAnnoView.getExistingAnnotations();
- },
- // when image fails to load - could be because of broken URL or network
- // issues
- onImageLoadError: function(event) {
- var self = event.data;
- console.log('error while loading image');
- swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
- swtr.appView.helpview.step(8);
- },
- initImageAnno: function() {
- // img is a jquery object which annotorious doesn't accept; instead it
- // takes the native object returned by a browser API; fortunately, jqeury
- // stores a copy of the native object too!
- this.getExistingAnnotations();
- },
- getExistingAnnotations: function() {
- var self = this;
- swtr.appView.helpview.step(0);
- swtr.appView.$overlay.show();
- swtr.sweets.getAll({
- where: this.imgURL,
- success: function(data) {
- if(_.isArray(data)) {
- swtr.sweets.add(data);
- swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
- swtr.appView.helpview.step(2);
- }
- },
- error: function(jqxhr, error, statusText) {
- if(jqxhr.status === 404) { //annotations don't exist for this image
- console.log('annotations don\'t exist for this image. Create one!');
- }
- swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
- swtr.appView.helpview.step(2);
- }
- });
- },
- showHide: function() {
- if($("#setbox:checked").length) {
- $('.annotorious-item-unfocus').css("opacity", "0.5");
- }
- else {
- $('.annotorious-item-unfocus').css("opacity", "0");
- }
- }
- });
--- /dev/null
+++ b/swtr/static/js/main.js
@@ -1 +1,773 @@
+(function(swtr) {
+ //TODO: find a better way to init.
+ //Find a better way to do closure
+ //Remove script code from the HTML page
+ swtr.init = function() {
+ this.sweets = new ImgAnnoSwts();
+ this.appView = new AppView();
+ this.who = 'Guest';
+ this.app_router = new AppRouter();
+ Backbone.history.start();
+ this.app_router.navigate('home');
+ $.ajaxSetup({
+ xhrFields: {
+ // we need this to send cookies to cross-domain requests
+ withCredentials: true
+ },
+ //some browsers won't make cross-domain ajax until it is explicitly set
+ crossDomain: true
+ });
+ this.handleOAuth();
+ };
+ swtr.handleOAuth = function() {
+ if(swtr.access_token) {
+ $('#signinview').html('Signing you in..');
+ $.ajax({
+ url: swtr.swtstoreURL()+'/api/users/me?access_token='+
+ swtr.access_token,
+ success: function(data) {
+ swtr.appView.userLoggedIn(data.username);
+ },
+ error: function() {
+ $('#signinview').html('Error signing in! Please try again');
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ /* Model for Image Annotation Sweets */
+ var ImgAnnoSwt = Backbone.Model.extend({
+ defaults: {
+ 'who': '',
+ 'what': 'img-anno',
+ 'where': '',
+ 'how': {}
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ }
+ });
+ /* Collection to hold all multiple ImgAnnoSwt */
+ var ImgAnnoSwts = Backbone.Collection.extend({
+ model: ImgAnnoSwt,
+ url: function() {
+ return swtr.swtstoreURL() + '/sweets';
+ },
+ // get all sweets/annotations of type #img-anno for a particular URI
+ // (where)
+ // @options is a javascript object,
+ // @options.where : URI of the resource for which swts to be fetched
+ // @options.who: optional username to filter sweets
+ // @options.success: success callback to call
+ // @options.error: error callback to call
+ getAll: function(options) {
+ // error checking
+ if(!options.where) {
+ throw Error('"where" option must be passed to get sweets of a URI');
+ return false;
+ }
+ // setting up params
+ var where = options.where,
+ who = options.who || null;
+ url = swtr.swtstoreURL() + swtr.endpoints.get + '?where=' +
+ encodeURIComponent(where) + '&access_token=' + swtr.access_token;
+ if(who) {
+ url += '&who=' + who;
+ }
+ // get them!
+ this.sync('read', this, {
+ url: url,
+ success: function() {
+ if(typeof options.success === 'function') {
+ options.success.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ },
+ error: function() {
+ if(typeof options.error === 'function') {
+ options.error.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ // post newly created sweets to a sweet store
+ // @options is a javascript object,
+ // @options.where : URI of the resource for which swts to be fetched
+ // @options.who: optional username to filter sweets
+ // @options.success: success callback to call
+ // @options.error: error callback to call,
+ post: function(options) {
+ var new_sweets = this.getNew();
+ var dummy_collection = new Backbone.Collection(new_sweets);
+ if(!swtr.access_token) {
+ throw new Error('Access Token is required to sweet');
+ return;
+ }
+ var url = swtr.swtstoreURL() + swtr.endpoints.post +
+ '?access_token=' + swtr.access_token;
+ this.sync('create', dummy_collection, {
+ url: url,
+ success: function() {
+ if(typeof options.success === 'function') {
+ options.success.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ },
+ error: function() {
+ if(typeof options.error === 'function') {
+ options.error.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ // return newly created models from the collection
+ getNew: function() {
+ var new_models = [];
+ this.each(function(model) {
+ if(model.isNew()) {
+ new_models.push(model);
+ }
+ });
+ return new_models;
+ },
+ // update part of the collection after a save on the server
+ update: function() {
+ }
+ });
+ var SweetsView = Backbone.View.extend({
+ el: $('#sweet-list-wrapper'),
+ events: {
+ 'click #sweet-cancel': 'cancelSweeting',
+ 'click #post-sweet': 'postSweets'
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.template = _.template($('#sweet-template').html());
+ },
+ render: function() {
+ $('#sweet-list').html('These are your sweet annotations!
+ _.each(this.collection.models, function(swt) {
+ if(swt.has('id')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $('#sweet-list').append(this.template({
+ who: swt.get('who'),
+ what: swt.get('what'),
+ where: swt.get('where'),
+ how: JSON.stringify(this.getHumanReadableParts(swt.get('how')))
+ }));
+ }, this);
+ $(this.el).fadeIn(300);
+ },
+ getHumanReadableParts: function(how) {
+ var human_readable_json = {};
+ if(how.comment) {
+ human_readable_json['comment'] = how.comment;
+ }
+ if(how.title) {
+ human_readable_json['title'] = how.title;
+ }
+ if(how.tags) {
+ human_readable_json['tags'] = how.tags;
+ }
+ if(how.link) {
+ human_readable_json['link'] = how.link;
+ }
+ return human_readable_json;
+ },
+ cancelSweeting: function() {
+ this.removeSwtsNotPosted();
+ this.cleanUp();
+ },
+ removeSwtsNotPosted: function() {
+ var notPosted = this.collection.filter(function(model) {
+ return !model.has('id');
+ });
+ this.collection.remove(notPosted);
+ },
+ postSweets: function() {
+ console.log("postSWr");
+ var appView = swtr.appView;
+ appView.helpview.step(5);
+ appView.$overlay.show();
+ try {
+ this.collection.post({
+ success: function(collection, response) {
+ console.log(collection, response);
+ swtr.sweets.set(collection);
+ //TODO: move this to a annotation view or something
+// anno.removeAll();
+ // _.each(swtr.sweets.models, function(swt) {
+ // if(!_.has(swt.get('how'), 'editable')) {
+ // swt.get('how')['editable'] = false;
+ // //console.log(swt.get('how').text.Comment);
+ // swt.get('how').text = swtr.imgAnnoView.createPopupText(swt.get('how'));
+ // //console.log(swt.get('how'));
+ // swt.get('how').text += '\n - by ' + swt.get('who');
+ // }
+ // //console.log(swt.get('how'));
+ // anno.addAnnotation(swt.get('how'));
+ // });
+ //console.log(swtr.sweets.toJSON());
+ swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
+ swtr.appView.helpview.step(6);
+ },
+ error: function(jqxhr, error, text) {
+ console.log(jqxhr, error, text);
+ swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
+ swtr.appView.helpview.step(10);
+ }
+ });
+ } catch(e) {
+ if(e.message == 'Access Token is required to sweet') {
+ appView.$overlay.hide();
+ appView.helpview.step(9);
+ }
+ }
+ this.cleanUp();
+ return false;
+ },
+ cleanUp: function() {
+ //console.log('cleaning up');
+ $(this.el).hide();
+ }
+ });
+ var FilterView = Backbone.View.extend({
+ el: $('#filter-div'),
+ events: {
+ 'click #filter-user-div input': 'filter',
+ 'click #filter-tags-div input': 'filter'
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.filter_users_template = _.template($('#filter-users').html());
+ this.filter_tags_template = _.template($('#filter-tags').html());
+ this.render();
+ },
+ render: function() {
+ //console.log(this.collection);
+ // pluck uniq authors of sweets
+ var authors = _.uniq(this.collection.pluck('who'));
+ // render them as filter controls
+ _.each(authors, function(author) {
+ $('#filter-user-div').append(this.filter_users_template({
+ who: author
+ }));
+ }, this);
+ // pluck uniq tags of sweets
+ var tags = _.chain(this.collection.pluck('how')).pluck('tags').flatten().
+ uniq().value();
+ // render them as filter controls
+ _.each(tags, function(tag) {
+ if(tag) {
+ $('#filter-tags-div').append(this.filter_tags_template({
+ tag: tag
+ }));
+ }
+ }, this);
+ //this.delegateEvents();
+ },
+ filter: function(event) {
+ // get id of div - parent to parent to the clicked input
+ var target_id = $(event.currentTarget).parent().parent().attr('id');
+ // find out user/tag div
+ var which = target_id.split('-')[1];
+ var selected = [];
+ $('#'+target_id + ' input:checked').each(function() {
+ selected.push($(this).attr('name'));
+ });
+ if(which === 'user') {
+ this.filterUsers(selected);
+ }
+ else if(which === 'tags') {
+ this.filterTags(selected);
+ }
+ },
+ filterUsers: function(users) {
+ if(!users.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var filtered_swts = this.collection.filter(function(model) {
+ if(_.indexOf(users, model.get('who')) > -1) {
+ return model;
+ }
+ });
+ if(filtered_swts.length) {
+ anno.removeAll();
+ _.each(filtered_swts, function(swt) {
+ anno.addAnnotation(swt.get('how'));
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ filterTags: function(tags) {
+ if(!tags.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var filtered_swts = this.collection.filter(function(model) {
+ //TODO: find a better way of doing this..
+ var flag = false;
+ _.each(model.get('how').tags, function(tag) {
+ if(_.indexOf(tags, tag) > -1) {
+ flag = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if(flag === true) {
+ return model;
+ }
+ });
+ if(filtered_swts.length) {
+ anno.removeAll();
+ _.each(filtered_swts, function(swt) {
+ anno.addAnnotation(swt.get('how'));
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ filterSweet: function(event) {
+ /*if(!event.currentTarget.checked) {
+ var results = this.collection.filter(function(model) {
+ if(model.get('who') != event.currentTarget.name)
+ return model;
+ });
+ if(results.length) {
+ _.each(results, function(result) {
+ anno.removeAnnotation(result.get('how'));
+ });
+ }
+ else { // if results is empty then remove all anno.
+ anno.removeAll();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ results = this.collection.filter(function(model) {
+ if(model.get('who') == event.currentTarget.name)
+ return model;
+ });
+ _.each(results, function(result) {
+ anno.addAnnotation(result.get('how'));
+ });
+ }
+ // if(results) {
+ // anno.removeAll();
+ // }
+ // swtr.annoView.collection = results;
+ // swtr.annoView.renderWith();*/
+ }
+ });
+ var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
+ el: $('body'),
+ events: {
+ 'click #user-input-submit': 'submitUserInput',
+ 'click #sweet': 'sweet',
+ 'click #sign-in': 'signIn',
+ 'click #ocd-source': 'sourceChanged'
+ //'mouseup .annotorious-editor-button-save': 'addnew_anno'
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ // initialize components
+ this.source = 'none';
+ this.helpview = new HelpView();
+ this.sweetsview = new SweetsView({collection: swtr.sweets});
+ // cache jquery selected elements which are used frequently
+ this.$overlay = $('#app-overlay');
+ this.$img = $('#annotatable-img');
+ this.helpview.step(1);
+ // initialize the oauth stuff
+ this.oauth = new Oauth({
+ app_id: swtr.app_id,
+ endpoint: swtr.swtstoreURL() + swtr.endpoints.auth,
+ redirect_uri: swtr.oauth_redirect_uri,
+ scopes: 'email,sweet'
+ });
+ },
+ submitUserInput: function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var input = $('#user-input').val();
+ if(this.source === 'ocd') {
+ this.loadOCDSearch(input);
+ }
+ else if (this.source === 'none') {
+ this.loadURL(input);
+ }
+ },
+ // load a URL for annotation (can be of image or html resource for now)
+ loadURL: function(url, type) {
+ //console.log('loadURL()');
+ if(this.source !== 'ocd') {
+ $('#ocd-results').hide();
+ }
+ $('#img-annotation-wrapper').show();
+ if(!url || !url.match(/http/)) {
+ this.helpview.step(13);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // if type is given explicitly; we load it as such.
+ if(type === 'image') {
+ if(swtr.imgAnnoView) {
+ swtr.imgAnnoView.setImage(url);
+ }
+ else {
+ swtr.imgAnnoView = new swtr.ImgAnnoView({collection:swtr.sweets,
+ img: this.$img[0],
+ $img: this.$img,
+ url: url});
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // else try to find what resource is the URL..
+ // if url has an image extension then load the image annotation
+ if(url.match(/.jpg|.jpeg|.png|.gif|.bmp|.svg/)) {
+ if(swtr.imgAnnoView) {
+ swtr.imgAnnoView.setImage(url);
+ }
+ else {
+ swtr.imgAnnoView = new swtr.ImgAnnoView({collection:swtr.sweets,
+ img: this.$img[0],
+ $img: this.$img,
+ url: url});
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // else check with our /media-type endpoint to see what type of resource
+ // it is
+ else {
+ this.helpview.step(12);
+ this.$overlay.show();
+ var self = this;
+ $.get('/media-type', {where: url}, function(response) {
+ //console.log(response);
+ self.$overlay.hide();
+ if(response.type === 'image') {
+ if(swtr.imgAnnoView) {
+ swtr.imgAnnoView.setImage(url);
+ }
+ else {
+ swtr.imgAnnoView = new swtr.ImgAnnoView({collection:swtr.sweets,
+ img: self.$img[0],
+ $img: self.$img,
+ url: url});
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ window.location.href = '/annotate?where=' + url;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ getSweets: function() {
+ var annos = _.filter(anno.getAnnotations(), function(anno) {
+ return (!_.has(anno, 'editable') || anno.editable === true);
+ });
+ _.each(annos, function(anno) {
+ swtr.sweets.add({
+ who: swtr.who,
+ where: anno.src,
+ // remove the text field; we don't want to store that in the sweets
+ how: _.omit(anno, 'text')
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ showSweets: function() {
+ this.sweetsview.render();
+ },
+ sweet: function() {
+ this.getSweets();
+ this.showSweets();
+ return false;
+ },
+ signIn: function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ this.oauth.authorize();
+ return false;
+ },
+ userLoggedIn: function(username) {
+ swtr.who = username;
+ var text = 'Signed in as ' + swtr.who + '';
+ $('#signinview').html(text);
+ },
+ userLoggedOut: function() {
+ swtr.who = 'Guest';
+ $('#signinview').html('Logged out');
+ },
+ changeURLInputPlaceholder: function(source) {
+ switch (source) {
+ case 'ocd' : $('#user-input').attr('placeholder', 'Enter search query');
+ break;
+ case 'none' : $('#user-input').attr('placeholder', 'Enter URL of image or web page');
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ // function to change the source in the application and update the UI
+ changeSource: function(source) {
+ switch (source) {
+ case 'ocd' : this.source = 'ocd';
+ this.helpview.step(11);
+ this.changeURLInputPlaceholder('ocd');
+ break;
+ case 'none' : this.source = 'none';
+ this.helpview.step(1);
+ this.changeURLInputPlaceholder('none');
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ // event handler to capture control panel UI change of source
+ sourceChanged: function(event) {
+ if($('#ocd-source').is(':checked')) {
+ this.changeSource('ocd');
+ }
+ else {
+ this.changeSource('none');
+ }
+ },
+ loadOCDSearch: function(input) {
+ var self = this;
+ $('#img-annotation-wrapper').hide();
+ $('#ocd-results').show();
+ $('#ocd-results').html('Loading..
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: '/search/ocd',
+ data: {query: input},
+ success: function(data) {
+ self.ocdView = new OCDView({
+ query: input,
+ data: data,
+ model: data.hits.hits
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ var OCDView = Backbone.View.extend({
+ el: $('#ocd-view'),
+ events: {
+ 'click .ocd-item a': 'onImgClick',
+ 'click .pager li': 'onPagerClick'
+ },
+ initialize: function(opts) {
+ this.data = opts.data || {};
+ this.query = opts.query || '';
+ this.size = 9; // num of items per page
+ this.page = 0;
+ this.item_template = _.template($('#ocd-item-template').html());
+ this.base_template = _.template($('#ocd-view-base-template').html());
+ this.render();
+ },
+ render: function() {
+ var $row_el;
+ this.$el.html('');
+ if(!this.model.length) {
+ this.$el.html('No results could be found from your query.');
+ return;
+ }
+ this.$el.html(this.base_template());
+ var $el = $('#ocd-results');
+ _.each(this.model, function(item, idx) {
+ // put every 3 items in a row
+ if(idx % 3 === 0) {
+ $row_el = $('');
+ $el.append($row_el);
+ }
+ $row_el.append(this.item_template({
+ title: item._source.title,
+ media_url: item._source.media_urls[0].url,
+ authors: item._source.authors
+ }));
+ }, this);
+ this.resolveOCDURLs();
+ this.appendTotal();
+ },
+ appendTotal: function() {
+ $('#ocd-total-results').html(this.data.hits.total + ' results found.');
+ },
+ // resolve the OCD media URLs
+ resolveOCDURLs: function() {
+ var self = this;
+ $('.ocd-item').each(function(idx, elem) {
+ var temp_arr = self.model[idx]._source.media_urls[0].url.split('/');
+ var media_hash = temp_arr[temp_arr.length - 1];
+ $.get('/resolve-ocd-media', {hash: media_hash}, function(resp) {
+ $(elem).find('img').attr('src', resp.url);
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ rerender: function(data) {
+ this.data = data;
+ this.model = data.hits.hits;
+ this.render();
+ },
+ onPagerClick: function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var elem = $(event.currentTarget);
+ var self = this;
+ if(elem.hasClass('next')) {
+ if((this.page + 1) * this.size >= this.data.hits.total) {
+ console.log('no next page to go to');
+ return false;
+ }
+ console.log('clicked next');
+ this.search({
+ query: this.query,
+ from: (this.page + 1) * this.size
+ }, function(resp) {
+ console.log('reached next page');
+ self.page = self.page + 1;
+ self.rerender(resp);
+ });
+ }
+ else if (elem.hasClass('previous')) {
+ if(this.page <= 0) {
+ console.log('no prev page to go to');
+ return false;
+ }
+ console.log('clicked prev');
+ this.search({
+ query: this.query,
+ from: (this.page - 1) * this.size
+ }, function(resp) {
+ console.log('reached prev page');
+ self.page = self.page - 1;
+ self.rerender(resp);
+ });
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ onImgClick: function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ // TODO: init the image anno
+ var url = $(event.currentTarget).find('img').attr('src');
+ swtr.appView.loadURL(url, 'image');
+ return false;
+ },
+ search: function(data, cb) {
+ swtr.appView.$overlay.show();
+ var self = this;
+ $.ajax({
+ type: 'GET',
+ url: '/search/ocd',
+ data: data,
+ success: function(resp) {
+ swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
+ cb(resp);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ var HelpView = Backbone.View.extend({
+ el: $('#helpview'),
+ events: {
+ },
+ initialize: function() {
+ this.$text_el = $('#helpview-text');
+ },
+ //TODO: move from number based steps to something else. number based steps
+ //implicitly imply sequential processing..which does not happen in this
+ //case..
+ //following helps can be async..
+ step: function(n) {
+ var text = '';
+ switch (n) {
+ case 0 : text = 'Getting annotations..';
+ break;
+ case 1: text = 'Enter URL of an image or web page below, and start annotating!';
+ break;
+ case 2: text = 'Annotate the image, or see other annotations';
+ break;
+ case 3: text = 'Now you can sweet this annotation, or add more annotations';
+ break;
+ case 4: text = 'Click Sweet button to publish these annotations to the Sweet Store';
+ break;
+ case 5: text = 'Publishing your sweets';
+ break;
+ case 6: text = 'Sweets successfully posted';
+ break;
+ case 7: text = 'Fetching your image..';
+ break;
+ case 8: text = 'Oops! Seems like the image URL is wrong! Or we couldn\'t fetch the image.';
+ break;
+ case 9: text = 'You have to be signed in to sweet store to post sweets';
+ break;
+ case 10: text = 'Oops! Something went wrong. We couldn\'t publish the sweets. Try again.'
+ break;
+ case 11: text = 'Search in Open Cuultur Data API';
+ break;
+ case 12: text = 'Analyzing the resource type..';
+ break;
+ case 13: text = 'This does not seem to be a URL. Please enter a valid URL.';
+ break;
+ }
+ $(this.$text_el).html(text);
+ $(window).scrollTop(0, 0);
+ }
+ });
+ // utilities and helper functions to go here
+ swtr.utils = {
+ linkify: function(link) {
+ if(link.match('http')) {
+ return link;
+ }
+ else {
+ return 'http://' + link;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //swtr.AppView = AppView;
+ var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
+ routes: {
+ 'home': 'home',
+ 'linked-data': 'linkedData',
+ 'play': 'play',
+ 'search': 'search'
+ },
+ home: function() {
+ this.hideAll();
+ this.show('home-page');
+ },
+ linkedData: function() {
+ this.hideAll();
+ this.show('linked-data-page');
+ },
+ play: function() {
+ this.hideAll();
+ this.show('play-page');
+ },
+ search: function() {
+ this.hideAll();
+ this.show('search-page');
+ },
+ hideAll: function() {
+ $('.page').hide();
+ },
+ show: function(id) {
+ $('#' + id).show();
+ this.highlight(id);
+ },
+ highlight: function(id) {
+ $('#swtr-navbar-collapse li').removeClass('active');
+ var href = id.split('-page')[0];
+ var selector = '#swtr-navbar-collapse a[href="#/' + href + '"]';
+ $(selector).parent('li').addClass('active');
+ }
+ });
--- a/swtr/static/js/swtmaker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,773 +1 @@
-(function(swtr) {
- //TODO: find a better way to init.
- //Find a better way to do closure
- //Remove script code from the HTML page
- swtr.init = function() {
- this.sweets = new ImgAnnoSwts();
- this.appView = new AppView();
- this.who = 'Guest';
- this.app_router = new AppRouter();
- Backbone.history.start();
- this.app_router.navigate('home');
- $.ajaxSetup({
- xhrFields: {
- // we need this to send cookies to cross-domain requests
- withCredentials: true
- },
- //some browsers won't make cross-domain ajax until it is explicitly set
- crossDomain: true
- });
- this.handleOAuth();
- };
- swtr.handleOAuth = function() {
- if(swtr.access_token) {
- $('#signinview').html('Signing you in..');
- $.ajax({
- url: swtr.swtstoreURL()+'/api/users/me?access_token='+
- swtr.access_token,
- success: function(data) {
- swtr.appView.userLoggedIn(data.username);
- },
- error: function() {
- $('#signinview').html('Error signing in! Please try again');
- }
- });
- }
- };
- /* Model for Image Annotation Sweets */
- var ImgAnnoSwt = Backbone.Model.extend({
- defaults: {
- 'who': '',
- 'what': 'img-anno',
- 'where': '',
- 'how': {}
- },
- initialize: function() {
- }
- });
- /* Collection to hold all multiple ImgAnnoSwt */
- var ImgAnnoSwts = Backbone.Collection.extend({
- model: ImgAnnoSwt,
- url: function() {
- return swtr.swtstoreURL() + '/sweets';
- },
- // get all sweets/annotations of type #img-anno for a particular URI
- // (where)
- // @options is a javascript object,
- // @options.where : URI of the resource for which swts to be fetched
- // @options.who: optional username to filter sweets
- // @options.success: success callback to call
- // @options.error: error callback to call
- getAll: function(options) {
- // error checking
- if(!options.where) {
- throw Error('"where" option must be passed to get sweets of a URI');
- return false;
- }
- // setting up params
- var where = options.where,
- who = options.who || null;
- url = swtr.swtstoreURL() + swtr.endpoints.get + '?where=' +
- encodeURIComponent(where) + '&access_token=' + swtr.access_token;
- if(who) {
- url += '&who=' + who;
- }
- // get them!
- this.sync('read', this, {
- url: url,
- success: function() {
- if(typeof options.success === 'function') {
- options.success.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- },
- error: function() {
- if(typeof options.error === 'function') {
- options.error.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- }
- });
- },
- // post newly created sweets to a sweet store
- // @options is a javascript object,
- // @options.where : URI of the resource for which swts to be fetched
- // @options.who: optional username to filter sweets
- // @options.success: success callback to call
- // @options.error: error callback to call,
- post: function(options) {
- var new_sweets = this.getNew();
- var dummy_collection = new Backbone.Collection(new_sweets);
- if(!swtr.access_token) {
- throw new Error('Access Token is required to sweet');
- return;
- }
- var url = swtr.swtstoreURL() + swtr.endpoints.post +
- '?access_token=' + swtr.access_token;
- this.sync('create', dummy_collection, {
- url: url,
- success: function() {
- if(typeof options.success === 'function') {
- options.success.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- },
- error: function() {
- if(typeof options.error === 'function') {
- options.error.apply(this, arguments);
- }
- }
- });
- },
- // return newly created models from the collection
- getNew: function() {
- var new_models = [];
- this.each(function(model) {
- if(model.isNew()) {
- new_models.push(model);
- }
- });
- return new_models;
- },
- // update part of the collection after a save on the server
- update: function() {
- }
- });
- var SweetsView = Backbone.View.extend({
- el: $('#sweet-list-wrapper'),
- events: {
- 'click #sweet-cancel': 'cancelSweeting',
- 'click #post-sweet': 'postSweets'
- },
- initialize: function() {
- this.template = _.template($('#sweet-template').html());
- },
- render: function() {
- $('#sweet-list').html('These are your sweet annotations!
- _.each(this.collection.models, function(swt) {
- if(swt.has('id')) {
- return false;
- }
- $('#sweet-list').append(this.template({
- who: swt.get('who'),
- what: swt.get('what'),
- where: swt.get('where'),
- how: JSON.stringify(this.getHumanReadableParts(swt.get('how')))
- }));
- }, this);
- $(this.el).fadeIn(300);
- },
- getHumanReadableParts: function(how) {
- var human_readable_json = {};
- if(how.comment) {
- human_readable_json['comment'] = how.comment;
- }
- if(how.title) {
- human_readable_json['title'] = how.title;
- }
- if(how.tags) {
- human_readable_json['tags'] = how.tags;
- }
- if(how.link) {
- human_readable_json['link'] = how.link;
- }
- return human_readable_json;
- },
- cancelSweeting: function() {
- this.removeSwtsNotPosted();
- this.cleanUp();
- },
- removeSwtsNotPosted: function() {
- var notPosted = this.collection.filter(function(model) {
- return !model.has('id');
- });
- this.collection.remove(notPosted);
- },
- postSweets: function() {
- console.log("postSWr");
- var appView = swtr.appView;
- appView.helpview.step(5);
- appView.$overlay.show();
- try {
- this.collection.post({
- success: function(collection, response) {
- console.log(collection, response);
- swtr.sweets.set(collection);
- //TODO: move this to a annotation view or something
-// anno.removeAll();
- // _.each(swtr.sweets.models, function(swt) {
- // if(!_.has(swt.get('how'), 'editable')) {
- // swt.get('how')['editable'] = false;
- // //console.log(swt.get('how').text.Comment);
- // swt.get('how').text = swtr.imgAnnoView.createPopupText(swt.get('how'));
- // //console.log(swt.get('how'));
- // swt.get('how').text += '\n - by ' + swt.get('who');
- // }
- // //console.log(swt.get('how'));
- // anno.addAnnotation(swt.get('how'));
- // });
- //console.log(swtr.sweets.toJSON());
- swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
- swtr.appView.helpview.step(6);
- },
- error: function(jqxhr, error, text) {
- console.log(jqxhr, error, text);
- swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
- swtr.appView.helpview.step(10);
- }
- });
- } catch(e) {
- if(e.message == 'Access Token is required to sweet') {
- appView.$overlay.hide();
- appView.helpview.step(9);
- }
- }
- this.cleanUp();
- return false;
- },
- cleanUp: function() {
- //console.log('cleaning up');
- $(this.el).hide();
- }
- });
- var FilterView = Backbone.View.extend({
- el: $('#filter-div'),
- events: {
- 'click #filter-user-div input': 'filter',
- 'click #filter-tags-div input': 'filter'
- },
- initialize: function() {
- this.filter_users_template = _.template($('#filter-users').html());
- this.filter_tags_template = _.template($('#filter-tags').html());
- this.render();
- },
- render: function() {
- //console.log(this.collection);
- // pluck uniq authors of sweets
- var authors = _.uniq(this.collection.pluck('who'));
- // render them as filter controls
- _.each(authors, function(author) {
- $('#filter-user-div').append(this.filter_users_template({
- who: author
- }));
- }, this);
- // pluck uniq tags of sweets
- var tags = _.chain(this.collection.pluck('how')).pluck('tags').flatten().
- uniq().value();
- // render them as filter controls
- _.each(tags, function(tag) {
- if(tag) {
- $('#filter-tags-div').append(this.filter_tags_template({
- tag: tag
- }));
- }
- }, this);
- //this.delegateEvents();
- },
- filter: function(event) {
- // get id of div - parent to parent to the clicked input
- var target_id = $(event.currentTarget).parent().parent().attr('id');
- // find out user/tag div
- var which = target_id.split('-')[1];
- var selected = [];
- $('#'+target_id + ' input:checked').each(function() {
- selected.push($(this).attr('name'));
- });
- if(which === 'user') {
- this.filterUsers(selected);
- }
- else if(which === 'tags') {
- this.filterTags(selected);
- }
- },
- filterUsers: function(users) {
- if(!users.length) {
- return;
- }
- var filtered_swts = this.collection.filter(function(model) {
- if(_.indexOf(users, model.get('who')) > -1) {
- return model;
- }
- });
- if(filtered_swts.length) {
- anno.removeAll();
- _.each(filtered_swts, function(swt) {
- anno.addAnnotation(swt.get('how'));
- });
- }
- },
- filterTags: function(tags) {
- if(!tags.length) {
- return;
- }
- var filtered_swts = this.collection.filter(function(model) {
- //TODO: find a better way of doing this..
- var flag = false;
- _.each(model.get('how').tags, function(tag) {
- if(_.indexOf(tags, tag) > -1) {
- flag = true;
- }
- });
- if(flag === true) {
- return model;
- }
- });
- if(filtered_swts.length) {
- anno.removeAll();
- _.each(filtered_swts, function(swt) {
- anno.addAnnotation(swt.get('how'));
- });
- }
- },
- filterSweet: function(event) {
- /*if(!event.currentTarget.checked) {
- var results = this.collection.filter(function(model) {
- if(model.get('who') != event.currentTarget.name)
- return model;
- });
- if(results.length) {
- _.each(results, function(result) {
- anno.removeAnnotation(result.get('how'));
- });
- }
- else { // if results is empty then remove all anno.
- anno.removeAll();
- }
- }
- else {
- results = this.collection.filter(function(model) {
- if(model.get('who') == event.currentTarget.name)
- return model;
- });
- _.each(results, function(result) {
- anno.addAnnotation(result.get('how'));
- });
- }
- // if(results) {
- // anno.removeAll();
- // }
- // swtr.annoView.collection = results;
- // swtr.annoView.renderWith();*/
- }
- });
- var AppView = Backbone.View.extend({
- el: $('body'),
- events: {
- 'click #user-input-submit': 'submitUserInput',
- 'click #sweet': 'sweet',
- 'click #sign-in': 'signIn',
- 'click #ocd-source': 'sourceChanged'
- //'mouseup .annotorious-editor-button-save': 'addnew_anno'
- },
- initialize: function() {
- // initialize components
- this.source = 'none';
- this.helpview = new HelpView();
- this.sweetsview = new SweetsView({collection: swtr.sweets});
- // cache jquery selected elements which are used frequently
- this.$overlay = $('#app-overlay');
- this.$img = $('#annotatable-img');
- this.helpview.step(1);
- // initialize the oauth stuff
- this.oauth = new Oauth({
- app_id: swtr.app_id,
- endpoint: swtr.swtstoreURL() + swtr.endpoints.auth,
- redirect_uri: swtr.oauth_redirect_uri,
- scopes: 'email,sweet'
- });
- },
- submitUserInput: function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- var input = $('#user-input').val();
- if(this.source === 'ocd') {
- this.loadOCDSearch(input);
- }
- else if (this.source === 'none') {
- this.loadURL(input);
- }
- },
- // load a URL for annotation (can be of image or html resource for now)
- loadURL: function(url, type) {
- //console.log('loadURL()');
- if(this.source !== 'ocd') {
- $('#ocd-results').hide();
- }
- $('#img-annotation-wrapper').show();
- if(!url || !url.match(/http/)) {
- this.helpview.step(13);
- return false;
- }
- // if type is given explicitly; we load it as such.
- if(type === 'image') {
- if(swtr.imgAnnoView) {
- swtr.imgAnnoView.setImage(url);
- }
- else {
- swtr.imgAnnoView = new swtr.ImgAnnoView({collection:swtr.sweets,
- img: this.$img[0],
- $img: this.$img,
- url: url});
- }
- return false;
- }
- // else try to find what resource is the URL..
- // if url has an image extension then load the image annotation
- if(url.match(/.jpg|.jpeg|.png|.gif|.bmp|.svg/)) {
- if(swtr.imgAnnoView) {
- swtr.imgAnnoView.setImage(url);
- }
- else {
- swtr.imgAnnoView = new swtr.ImgAnnoView({collection:swtr.sweets,
- img: this.$img[0],
- $img: this.$img,
- url: url});
- }
- return false;
- }
- // else check with our /media-type endpoint to see what type of resource
- // it is
- else {
- this.helpview.step(12);
- this.$overlay.show();
- var self = this;
- $.get('/media-type', {where: url}, function(response) {
- //console.log(response);
- self.$overlay.hide();
- if(response.type === 'image') {
- if(swtr.imgAnnoView) {
- swtr.imgAnnoView.setImage(url);
- }
- else {
- swtr.imgAnnoView = new swtr.ImgAnnoView({collection:swtr.sweets,
- img: self.$img[0],
- $img: self.$img,
- url: url});
- }
- }
- else {
- window.location.href = '/annotate?where=' + url;
- }
- });
- }
- },
- getSweets: function() {
- var annos = _.filter(anno.getAnnotations(), function(anno) {
- return (!_.has(anno, 'editable') || anno.editable === true);
- });
- _.each(annos, function(anno) {
- swtr.sweets.add({
- who: swtr.who,
- where: anno.src,
- // remove the text field; we don't want to store that in the sweets
- how: _.omit(anno, 'text')
- });
- });
- },
- showSweets: function() {
- this.sweetsview.render();
- },
- sweet: function() {
- this.getSweets();
- this.showSweets();
- return false;
- },
- signIn: function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- this.oauth.authorize();
- return false;
- },
- userLoggedIn: function(username) {
- swtr.who = username;
- var text = 'Signed in as ' + swtr.who + '';
- $('#signinview').html(text);
- },
- userLoggedOut: function() {
- swtr.who = 'Guest';
- $('#signinview').html('Logged out');
- },
- changeURLInputPlaceholder: function(source) {
- switch (source) {
- case 'ocd' : $('#user-input').attr('placeholder', 'Enter search query');
- break;
- case 'none' : $('#user-input').attr('placeholder', 'Enter URL of image or web page');
- break;
- }
- },
- // function to change the source in the application and update the UI
- changeSource: function(source) {
- switch (source) {
- case 'ocd' : this.source = 'ocd';
- this.helpview.step(11);
- this.changeURLInputPlaceholder('ocd');
- break;
- case 'none' : this.source = 'none';
- this.helpview.step(1);
- this.changeURLInputPlaceholder('none');
- break;
- }
- },
- // event handler to capture control panel UI change of source
- sourceChanged: function(event) {
- if($('#ocd-source').is(':checked')) {
- this.changeSource('ocd');
- }
- else {
- this.changeSource('none');
- }
- },
- loadOCDSearch: function(input) {
- var self = this;
- $('#img-annotation-wrapper').hide();
- $('#ocd-results').show();
- $('#ocd-results').html('Loading..
- $.ajax({
- type: 'GET',
- url: '/search/ocd',
- data: {query: input},
- success: function(data) {
- self.ocdView = new OCDView({
- query: input,
- data: data,
- model: data.hits.hits
- });
- }
- });
- }
- });
- var OCDView = Backbone.View.extend({
- el: $('#ocd-view'),
- events: {
- 'click .ocd-item a': 'onImgClick',
- 'click .pager li': 'onPagerClick'
- },
- initialize: function(opts) {
- this.data = opts.data || {};
- this.query = opts.query || '';
- this.size = 9; // num of items per page
- this.page = 0;
- this.item_template = _.template($('#ocd-item-template').html());
- this.base_template = _.template($('#ocd-view-base-template').html());
- this.render();
- },
- render: function() {
- var $row_el;
- this.$el.html('');
- if(!this.model.length) {
- this.$el.html('No results could be found from your query.');
- return;
- }
- this.$el.html(this.base_template());
- var $el = $('#ocd-results');
- _.each(this.model, function(item, idx) {
- // put every 3 items in a row
- if(idx % 3 === 0) {
- $row_el = $('');
- $el.append($row_el);
- }
- $row_el.append(this.item_template({
- title: item._source.title,
- media_url: item._source.media_urls[0].url,
- authors: item._source.authors
- }));
- }, this);
- this.resolveOCDURLs();
- this.appendTotal();
- },
- appendTotal: function() {
- $('#ocd-total-results').html(this.data.hits.total + ' results found.');
- },
- // resolve the OCD media URLs
- resolveOCDURLs: function() {
- var self = this;
- $('.ocd-item').each(function(idx, elem) {
- var temp_arr = self.model[idx]._source.media_urls[0].url.split('/');
- var media_hash = temp_arr[temp_arr.length - 1];
- $.get('/resolve-ocd-media', {hash: media_hash}, function(resp) {
- $(elem).find('img').attr('src', resp.url);
- });
- });
- },
- rerender: function(data) {
- this.data = data;
- this.model = data.hits.hits;
- this.render();
- },
- onPagerClick: function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- var elem = $(event.currentTarget);
- var self = this;
- if(elem.hasClass('next')) {
- if((this.page + 1) * this.size >= this.data.hits.total) {
- console.log('no next page to go to');
- return false;
- }
- console.log('clicked next');
- this.search({
- query: this.query,
- from: (this.page + 1) * this.size
- }, function(resp) {
- console.log('reached next page');
- self.page = self.page + 1;
- self.rerender(resp);
- });
- }
- else if (elem.hasClass('previous')) {
- if(this.page <= 0) {
- console.log('no prev page to go to');
- return false;
- }
- console.log('clicked prev');
- this.search({
- query: this.query,
- from: (this.page - 1) * this.size
- }, function(resp) {
- console.log('reached prev page');
- self.page = self.page - 1;
- self.rerender(resp);
- });
- }
- return false;
- },
- onImgClick: function(event) {
- event.preventDefault();
- // TODO: init the image anno
- var url = $(event.currentTarget).find('img').attr('src');
- swtr.appView.loadURL(url, 'image');
- return false;
- },
- search: function(data, cb) {
- swtr.appView.$overlay.show();
- var self = this;
- $.ajax({
- type: 'GET',
- url: '/search/ocd',
- data: data,
- success: function(resp) {
- swtr.appView.$overlay.hide();
- cb(resp);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- var HelpView = Backbone.View.extend({
- el: $('#helpview'),
- events: {
- },
- initialize: function() {
- this.$text_el = $('#helpview-text');
- },
- //TODO: move from number based steps to something else. number based steps
- //implicitly imply sequential processing..which does not happen in this
- //case..
- //following helps can be async..
- step: function(n) {
- var text = '';
- switch (n) {
- case 0 : text = 'Getting annotations..';
- break;
- case 1: text = 'Enter URL of an image or web page below, and start annotating!';
- break;
- case 2: text = 'Annotate the image, or see other annotations';
- break;
- case 3: text = 'Now you can sweet this annotation, or add more annotations';
- break;
- case 4: text = 'Click Sweet button to publish these annotations to the Sweet Store';
- break;
- case 5: text = 'Publishing your sweets';
- break;
- case 6: text = 'Sweets successfully posted';
- break;
- case 7: text = 'Fetching your image..';
- break;
- case 8: text = 'Oops! Seems like the image URL is wrong! Or we couldn\'t fetch the image.';
- break;
- case 9: text = 'You have to be signed in to sweet store to post sweets';
- break;
- case 10: text = 'Oops! Something went wrong. We couldn\'t publish the sweets. Try again.'
- break;
- case 11: text = 'Search in Open Cuultur Data API';
- break;
- case 12: text = 'Analyzing the resource type..';
- break;
- case 13: text = 'This does not seem to be a URL. Please enter a valid URL.';
- break;
- }
- $(this.$text_el).html(text);
- $(window).scrollTop(0, 0);
- }
- });
- // utilities and helper functions to go here
- swtr.utils = {
- linkify: function(link) {
- if(link.match('http')) {
- return link;
- }
- else {
- return 'http://' + link;
- }
- }
- };
- //swtr.AppView = AppView;
- var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
- routes: {
- 'home': 'home',
- 'linked-data': 'linkedData',
- 'play': 'play',
- 'search': 'search'
- },
- home: function() {
- this.hideAll();
- this.show('home-page');
- },
- linkedData: function() {
- this.hideAll();
- this.show('linked-data-page');
- },
- play: function() {
- this.hideAll();
- this.show('play-page');
- },
- search: function() {
- this.hideAll();
- this.show('search-page');
- },
- hideAll: function() {
- $('.page').hide();
- },
- show: function(id) {
- $('#' + id).show();
- this.highlight(id);
- },
- highlight: function(id) {
- $('#swtr-navbar-collapse li').removeClass('active');
- var href = id.split('-page')[0];
- var selector = '#swtr-navbar-collapse a[href="#/' + href + '"]';
- $(selector).parent('li').addClass('active');
- }
- });
--- a/swtr/templates/index.html
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