Commit d2d149131da4bc238270b854b8c0bd833ce63651

Fix whitespace problems in long strings

  Line breaks were not properly handled in the strings. Fix them.
1616 configFile='trac.config'
1818 if [ ! -e $configFile ]; then
19 echo "$configFile does not exist. Make sure you have a config file in the
19 echo "$configFile does not exist. Make sure you have a config file in the \
2020 same path."
2121 exit 1;
2222 elif [ ! -r $configFile ]; then
3535createDB() {
3636 echo "Creating DB trac_$project for $project"
37 /usr/bin/mysql -u $ruser -p$rpassword -e "create database trac_$project default
38 character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;grant all privileges on trac_$project.* to
39 '$tuser'@'localhost' identified by '$tpassword';"
37 /usr/bin/mysql -u $ruser -p$rpassword -e "create database trac_$project \
38 default character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;grant all privileges on \
39 trac_$project.* to '$tuser'@'localhost' identified by '$tpassword';"
4242initTracEnv() {
4343 echo "Initing Env: $project"
44 /usr/local/bin/trac-admin $trac_project$project initenv "\"$project\""
45 "mysql://$tuser:$tpassword@localhost:3306/trac_$project" "git"
46 "/vol/www/gitorious/repositories/"
44 /usr/local/bin/trac-admin $trac_project$project initenv "$project" \
45 "mysql://$tuser:$tpassword@localhost:3306/trac_$project" "git" \
46 "/vol/www/gitorious/repositories/$project"
4949deployTracEnv() {